Prayers Ancient and Modern 2/29
Give me , O Lord, purity of lips, a clean and innocent heart, humility, fortitude, patience. Give me the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and godliness, and of Thy fear. Make me ever to seek Thy face with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind; grant me to have a contrite and humble heart in Thy presence. Most high, eternal, and ineffable Wisdom, drive away from me the darkness of blindness and ignorance; most high and eternal Strength, deliver me; most high and eternal Light, illuminate me; most high and infinite Mercy, have mercy on me—Amen.
Gallican Sacramentary, A. D. 800
O Lord, give us the grace of Thy Spirit, early to seek out, and evermore earnestly to follow the work which Thou hast appointed for us to do — Amen.
Henry Alford
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