Prayers Ancient and Modern 12/27
Gracious Lord, in whom are laid up all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom, direct me in the ways of life; remove from me the ways of death. Give me a soft and meek spirit, that I may help the succorless, and comfort the comfortless. O my dear Lord, pardon me for the neglect of this duty, and make me to redeem the time with a cheerful constancy—Amen.
The Penitent Pilgrim, 1641.
We entreat Thy mercy with our whole heart, that, as Thou defendest us against things adverse to the body, so Thou wilt set us free from the enemies of the soul; and, as Thou grantest us to rejoice in outward tranquility, so vouchsafe to us Thine inward peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord—Amen.
Leonine Sacramentary, A.D. 440.
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