• “He never gives you more than you can bear. Every burden prepares you for eternity.” – Basilea Schlink

Prayers Ancient and Modern 12/10

O Holy and loving Father, whose mercies are from everlasting to everlasting, we thank Thee that Thy children can flee for refuge in their afflictions to the blessed certainty of Thy love. From every grief that burdens our spirits, from the sense of solitude and loss, from the doubt and fainting of the soul in its trouble, we turn to Thee. Thou knowest our frame, Thou rememberest that we are dust. Be Thou our Strength and Deliverer; in our great need be Thou our Helper; pour Thy consolations into our hearts, and let the gospel of Thy beloved Son minister comfort and peace to our souls—Amen.

Henry W. Foote.

O God Almighty, who to them that have no might increasest strength, strengthen us to do and suffer Thy good will and pleasure; through Jesus Christ—Amen.

Christina G. Rossetti.

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  • “When we begin to understand what the blood of Jesus does for us, we will testify to the power of His blood, and shall thus have power continually to overcome the enemy. It is blessed to note that the blood of Jesus is the purchase price of our full salvation. ‘Take heed…to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood’ (Acts 20:28)” – Carrie Judd Montgomery

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Verse of the Day

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. — Deuteronomy 6: 6-7 (NKJV)

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