Prayers Ancient and Modern 11/20
O God, who art the Fountain of Truth and the Giver of spiritual knowledge, who leadest us from year to year in unchanging love—we bless Thee that, when by sight we could not gaze upon Thy glory, by faith we can know Thee, and lay hold on that Truth which giveth light to the soul. Especially do we thank Thee for Him in whom the true light shineth on every man that cometh into the world. And we ask from the treasures of Thy grace for a more childlike trust, a more faithful spirit, a more loyal will. May our obedience open to us all spiritual knowledge. May the truth of our own lives lead us into communion with Thy spirit of Truth. May we be transformed into the likeness of Christ, and so, renew Thine image on the earth, and hasten the coming of that kingdom of truth and liberty and love—Amen.
Henry W. Foote.
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