Prayers Ancient and Modern 10/12
Soften our hearts, O Lord, that we may be moved no less at the necessities and griefs of our neighbors, than if they concerned ourselves, or the cases that touched us nearest, and let us think them to befall even to our dearest friends. Let us pity them as ourselves, and, in their adversity, let us have compassion upon them, that, as we would have pitied ourselves for the like cause, so we may be moved with pity towards those, whom we see oppressed with the same adversities—Amen.
Ludovicus Vives, 1578.
Confirm, O Lord, we pray Thee, the hearts of Thy children, and strengthen them with the power of Thy grace; that they may both be devout in prayer to Thee, and sincere in love for each other; through Jesus Christ our Lord—Amen.
Leonine, A.D. 440.
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