• “Much of my experience of life has cost me a great price and I wish to use it for strengthening and comforting other souls.” – E. Prentiss

Prayers Ancient and Modern 04/01

O Lord, whose way is perfect, help us, I pray Thee, always to trust in Thy goodness: that walking with Thee and following Thee in all simplicity, we may possess quiet and contented minds; and may cast all our care on Thee, for Thou carest for us—Amen.

Christina G. Rossetti

O Lord, if only my will may remain right and firm towards Thee, do with me whatsoever it shall please Thee, For it cannot be anything but good, whatsoever Thou shait do with me. If it be Thy will I should be in darkness, be Thou blessed; and if it be Thy will I should be in light, be Thou again blessed. If Thou vouchsafe to comfort me, be Thou blessed ; and. if Thou wilt have mc afflicted, be Thou ever equally blessed— Amen.

Thomas A. Kempis

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  • “False humility and morbid introspection are, in fact, the opposite of brokenness, as they reveal a preoccupation with self, rather than Christ.” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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Verse of the Day

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

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