• “How sweet is close, confidential communion with Jesus! How fully we can then unveil all our hearts to Him; disclosing every secret; making known every need; and bringing our hidden enemies, our corruptions, to Him, that He might slay them before our eyes!” – Mary Winslow

Prayers Ancient and Modern 03/11

O God, who seest all our weaknesses, and the troubles we labor under, have regard unto the prayers of Thy servant, who stands in need of Thy comfort, Thy direction, and Thy help. Thou alone knowest what is best for us; let me never dispute Thy wisdom or Thy goodness. Lord, so prepare my heart, that no affliction may ever so surprise as to overbear me. Dispose me at all times to a readiness to suffer what Thy Providence shall order or permit. Grant that I may never murmur at Thy appointments, nor be exasperated at the ministers of Thy Providence—Amen.

Thomas WIlson (1663-1755)

Feed Thy people, O Lord, with Thy grace, and deliver our souls from the death of sin; so that, being filled with Thy mercy, we may be united with the joys of the righteous, through Jesus Christ our Lord—Amen.

Sarum Breviary, A. D. 1085

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  • “I don’t really mind if you sing ‘Let His Glory Fall’ in church…but I think His glory will fall if you’ll go out with nothing except a broken heart, and precious seed.” – Jackie Pullinger

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Verse of the Day

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. — Psalm 86:5 (NKJV)

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