• “I don’t really mind if you sing ‘Let His Glory Fall’ in church…but I think His glory will fall if you’ll go out with nothing except a broken heart, and precious seed.” – Jackie Pullinger

Amy Carmichael

Seventeen-year-old Amy Carmichael was on her way home from church in Belfast, When she came to a poor old woman carrying a heavy bundle-something she was not accustomed to seeing in Presbyterian Belfast. Amy, along with her two brothers, took the bundle from the woman and helped her along by the arms.

Surrounded by the “repeatable people” of the community, Amy could not help but notice her actions were being questioned. She was embarrassed. In her own words Amy described it as “a horrid moment. We were only two boys and a girl, and not at all exalted Christians. We hated doing it.” They plodded on in spite of the blushing and sense of shame for associating publicly with such a woman. The wind and rain blew in their faces. The rags of the old woman pressed against them.

Just as they passed by an ornate Victorian fountain in the street, “this mighty phrase flashed as it were through the gray drizzle: ‘Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay stubble — every man’s work will be made manifest; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide…”

The words were so real, Amy turned to see who had spoken them. She saw nothing but a muddy street, people with surprised looks on their faces, and the fountain. But Amy knew this was the voice of God.

That afternoon, Amy shut the door to her room and closed herself in with God. What happened that day would change the course of her life and profoundly impact her priorities. Amy Carmichael began to understand what it means to die to self.

How did this affect her? She purposed in her heart to follow Him who had no home, no earthly possessions beyond the bare minimum. She would be “dead to the world and its applause, to all its customs, fashions, laws.” Amy had an eye for beauty and it was no small sacrifice to embrace this journey of true discipleship.

Amy began to reach out to the “shawlies” girls who worked in the mills and were too poor to by hats. They used their shawls to cover their heads, which was offensive to the proper church members. Which was worse, Amy bringing these crude “commoners” to the church or Mrs. Carmichael allowing her to go into the slums to fetch them? They couldn’t decide. Amy didn’t care about her reputation. She was dead. Christ was alive in her, loving the shawlies through her. It was a relief to the church folk when the shawlies were coming in such large numbers that Amy needed a separate building for them. This was no small challenge for a now 22 year-old girl. But Amy believed God for both the Land and the building. The invitations were sent out and the grand opening set for January 2, 1889. She invited her minister to dedicate “The Mill and Factory Girls’ Branch of the YMCA.” A banner was hung in the front with words, “That in all things HE might have the preeminence.”

Two students of D.L. Moody led the service. Amy wasn’t on the platform that night. She wasn’t on the program. Yes, it was her vision that initiated the ministry and her dream that brought about the building. But she sat inconspicuously in the middle of the audience. Amy Carmichael had died to self.

Later when God called Amy to missions, she did not question, though it saddened her to leave her loved ones. On the mission field, God again used Amy’s “mother’s heart” to minister to children. She spent fifty-three years in India setting up orphanages to rescue children from prostitution in Hindu temples and ministering to the people she met. Amy affected the lives of countless Indians, giving them a hope for a future on earth and in heaven.

While serving in India, Amy received a letter from a young lady who was considering life as a missionary, She asked Amy, “What is missionary life like?” Amy wrote back saying simply, “Missionary life is a chance to die.”

Questions and Application:

At one point in her early years Amy said, “Nothing could ever matter again but the things that were eternal.” Nothing? What is your response to that?
As a youngster, Amy ejected the dark brown eyes God had given her, and longed instead for blue eyes. But with her brown eyes, she was later able to go inside the Hindu temples to rescue Children. Is there any unchangeable feature of your own body (God’s design) that you reject? Thank God for it, instead.
Amy demonstrated death to self by praying for money with out telling anyone. Is there a sum of money for a specific ministry you could ask only God to provide?

One night, Amy led her oxcart driver to Christ. Later, she found out that a prayer group back home had been praying specifically on that date for a convert to be won. Pause right now and pray for a missionary.

May we all die to self in this way.
“He Must become greater, I must become less”

Books by and about Amy Carmichael

  • Things As They Are – Amy brings out the truth  and reality of the mission work in India.
  • From Sunrise Land: Letters from Japan (1895) – Letters by Amy while on her way to Japan, before God intervened and sent her to India instead!
  • Lotus Buds – “The book has been written for lovers of children. Those who find such young life tiresome will find the story dull, and the kindest thing it can ask of them is not to read it at all.”
  • The Continuation of a Story
  • Nor Scrip (1921) – Mat 10:10  “Nor scrip for your journey..”
  • Mimosa
  • From the Fight
  • A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliot
  • Candles in the Dark
  • God’s Missionary
  • Edges of His Ways
  • Mountain Breezes: A Collection of Poems of Amy Carmichael
  • Gold by Moonlight
  • His Thoughts Said…
  • Rose From Brier
  • Thou Givest, They Gather
Books from this website.

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6 Responses to Amy Carmichael

  • Pam Vandegrift says:

    I am reading a book of Saint Amy's. What a great movie this would make. Nice to to met her today. Pam

    • Tara says:

      Voice of the martyrs has a series called “The Torchlighters” that tells Amy’s story! You can watch it on YouTube!

  • Sandra Kaye Rex says:

    I am not a reader but after reading a little bit of Amy Carmichael here on this website I realize I am missing out on alot of good stories that exalts Jesus Christ and ecourages the believer. Through the years I have learned to accept the physical attributes the Lord has given me just as Amy learned through her experiences with the Indian people. I pray that the Lord will help me each day to learn to die to self and let Him live His life in and through me so He will be glorified and others would see their need for Him..."He must increase but I must decrease"!!

    • womenof7 says:

      Yes, I am greatly encouraged by her poems. I read them often. Please do write to Dohnavur and ask them to let me post her poems on here. :) Have you also heard of Joni Eareckson Tada? Several hymn writers also had physical ailments which kept them bed-bound. However their hymns bless us all! Think of Fanny Crosby too. Their reward in heaven will be great for sure. ”He must increase but I must decrease”!! Amen sister.

  • doris gluck says:

    I have the book Mimosa bought at a resale. I read and reread. Is it still available. I have friends and a niece I'd like to purchase and give it to. It is like reading a story right out of the Bible. A guidepost-- thank you. Joy I am called by my midle name

  • Lori says:

    such a applicable, lovely write-up of amy c. I love the poem symphony of one. do you give permission to copy your writings and poem in our church bulletin?!

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  • “There are those who insist that it is a very bad thing to question God. To them, ‘why?’ is a rude question. That depends, I believe, on whether it is an honest search, in faith, for His meaning, or whether it is the challenge of unbelief and rebellion.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. — Acts 4:10,12 (NKJV)

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