• “I was poor in the midst of riches, and ready to perish with hunger near a table plentifully spread and a continual feast. Oh, Beauty, ancient and new! Why have I known thee so late? Alas, I sought thee where thou wast not, and did not seek thee where thou wast…” – Madame Guyon



PRAYER – O Jehovah, why have you thrown my life away?Why are you turning your
face from me, and looking the other way?(Ps. 88:14)
PROMISE – In a moment of anger I turned my face a little while; but with everlasting
love I will have pity on you, says the Lord, your Redeemer.(Is. 54:8)

One day news reached us that a young woman in hospital Barracks 8 had lost courage
completely.We decided to make an effort to get through to her somehow.Visiting in
the hospital was strictly forbidden.But five of us went over there. In a corner near the
barracks we held a simple prayer meeting.Then I set out.I knew which window was
nearest her bed, but saw at once that the shutters were closed.
I went back and we prayed together; “Lord, wilt thou cause the shutters to be
opened?”A Lagerpolizei passed the barracks and opened the shutters.Again I went
over and stood next to her window, but now there was a new difficulty – the window
could not be opened from the outside. So once more I went back to my friends and we
prayed together that the window might be opened.Before I got back a Polish woman
had opened the window from the inside.(A Prisoner And Yet.)

PRAYER – Please, Lord, rescue me!Quick!Come and help me!(Ps. 40:13)
PROMISE – The Lord says, “Because he loves me, I will rescue him.”(Ps.91:14)

PRAYER – Sir, Help me!(Matt. 15:25)
PROMISE – Despised though you are, fear not, O Israel; for I will help you.
(Is. 41:14)

PRAYER – O Lord God, don’t destroy your own people,(Deut. 9:25)
PROMISE – The Lord will not forsake his people. (Ps. 94:14)

PRAYER – Rescue me from my persecutors, for they are too strong for me.
(Ps. 142:6)
PROMISE – The Angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence him.
(Ps. 34:7)

PRAYER – Restore to me again the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey
you. (Ps. 51:12)
PROMISE – When the Holy Spirit controls our lices he will producethiskind of fruit in
us: love, joy …(Gal. 5:22)

PRAYER – O Jehovah, come and bless us!How long will you delay?(Ps. 90:13)
PROMISE – Jehovah will vindicate his people, and have compassion on his servants.
(Ps. 135:14)


PRAYER – Prove them wrong, O Lord, by letting the light of your face shine down
upon us. (Ps. 4:6)
PROMISE – May the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious
to you. (Num 6:26)

Betsie stood leaning against me; my arms were thrown about her.It was one of the
few times when she observed and was vulnerable to the misery around her.Softly she
whispered, “Oh, Corrie, this is hell.”
“God has promised, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee”, I whispered back.
The sky suddenly reddened.The sun had not yet risen, but the clouds, driven before
the wind, caught its rays from beneath the horizon, and reflected a ruddy glow on the
earth.Even dark clouds, illuminated by the sun, spread light and colour over
everything.“So will the light from our Saviour shine on us here in Ravensbruck, and
we shall reflect its colour and glow,” I said softly.(A Prisoner And Yet.)


PRAYER – Remember how short you have made man’s lifespan.(Ps. 89:47)

PROMISE – He knows we are but dust, and that our days are few and brief.(Ps. 103:14)


PRAYER – Rescue me from the oppression of evil men.(Ps. 119:134)
PROMISE – Your enemies will stay far away; you will live in peace.Terror shall not
come near.(Is. 54:14)


PRAYER – O Lord, deliver me from evil men.Preserve me from the violent.(Ps.
PROMISE – He keeps his eye upon you as you come and go, and always guards you.
(Ps. 121:8)


PRAYER – You have seen me tossing and turning through the night.You have
collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle!(Ps. 56:8)
PROMISE – I will lie down in peace and sleep, for though I am alone, O Lord, you
will keep me safe.(Ps. 4:8)

PRAYER – Make me walk along the right paths for I know how delightful they really
are. (Ps. 119:35)
PROMISE – I will put my Spirit within you so that you will obey my laws and do
whatever I command.(Ezek. 36:27)

PRAYER – I look to you for help, O Lord God.You are my refuge.Don’t let them
slay me.(Ps. 141:8)
PROMISE – He will listen to the prayers of the destitute, for he is never too busy to
heed their requests.(Ps. 102:17)

PRAYER – O Lord, don’t punish me while you are angry!(Ps. 38:1)
PROMISE – I swear that I will never again pour out my anger on you. (Is. 54:9)

“Today you will address one hundred and forty gangsters,” the warder warns me.
There they sit closely-packed on the floor, long rows of Japanese sitting on their
heels.My first reaction is, “What darkness!”Cruel faces stare at me.
The lost ones!The world has only one answer, to keep them behind barbed wire.
Then great joy arises in my heart.I have a message for them; the answer to their
problems.An ocean of sin and darkness was covered with a greater ocean of love and
light when Jesus died upon the cross.It was for them He died and bore the sins of the
whole world.
I tell them oft his ocean of love.“Your souls are precious in the sight of God.Accept
Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and He will give you power to become children of
God.The tender father-heart of God yearns for your love.”
I can almost see the faces change.I see God’s love at work, and His love overflows in
my heart as never before.What great riches!The prisoners applaud.It is the only
expression allowed them, and their applause is long and loud.(Not Good If


PRAYER – Don’t hide from me, for I am in deep trouble.Quick!Come and save me.
(Ps. 69:17)
PROMISE – Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I
have overcome the world.(John 16:33)


PRAYER – God of Israel, arise and punish the heathen nations surrounding us.(Ps.
PROMISE – Thus I will demonstrate my glory among the nations; all shall see the
punishment of God and know that I have done it.(Ezek. 39:21)


PRAYER – Cross-examine me, O Lord, and see that this is so; test my motives and
affections too.(Ps. 26:2)
PROMISE – You, the righteous God, look deep within the hearts of men and examine
all their motives and their thoughts.(Ps. 7:9)


PRAYER – Cleanse me from these hidden faults.(Ps. 19:12)
PROMISE – I will take from you your hearts of stone and give you tender hearts of
love for God.(Ezek. 11:19)

PRAYER – O Lord my God, you have heard and answered my request.(1 Kings 8:28)
PROMISE – Though he is so great, he respects the humble.(Ps. 138:6)
PRAYER – O Lord God of our fathers – the only God in all the heavens, the Ruler of
all the kingdoms of the earth – you are so powerful, so mighty. (2 Chron. 20:6)

PRAYER – O Lord, have mercy on me in my anguish.My eyes are red from weeping.
(Ps. 31:9)
PROMISE – The Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion upon them
in their sorrow.(Is. 49:13)

We were lined up in the hospital corridor for medical inspection.We had to remove
all our clothes and lay them on the floor of the entrance hall.Never in my life had I
felt so wretched, so cold, or so humiliated.
Suddenly I recalled a painting of Jesus on Golgotha.For the first time I realised that
Jesus had hung naked upon the cross.How he must have suffered!He, God’s Son,
whose home was heaven!And all that suffering He bore for me, that I might some
day go to Heaven.
My soul became calm within me.I felt that strength was given me to go on.I prayed,
“O Saviour, Thou didst suffer for me on Calvary.I thank Thee for it.Help me now to
bear this present experience.Give me strength!”(A Prisoner And Yet.)


PRAYER – Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for
me to walk.(Ps. 25:4)
PROMISE – He will tell us what to do and we will do it.(Mic. 4:2)


PRAYER – Bless your chosen ones.Lead them like a shepherd and carry them forever
in your arms.(Ps. 28:9)
PROMISE – Trust in the Lord … Be kind and good to other; then you will live safely
here in the land and prosper, feeding in safety.(Ps. 37:3)


PRAYER – Open up, O heavens.Let the skies pour out their righteousness.(Is. 45:8)
PROMISE – Truth rises from the earth and righteousness smiles down from heaven.
(Ps. 85:11)


PRAYER – Don’t allow us to be tempted.(Luke 11:4)
PROMISE – I willprotect you from the time of Great Tribulation and temptation.
(Rev. 3:10)


PRAYER – Protect me from death, for I try to follow all your laws.Save me, for I am
serving you and trusting you. (Ps. 86:2)
PROMISE – He keeps you from all evil, and preserves your life.(Ps. 121:7)


PRAYER – Let me share in your chosen ones’ prosperity and rejoice in all their joys,
and receive the glory you give them.(Ps. 106:5)
PROMISE – May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings as well as
with human joys.May you live to enjoy your grandchildren!And may God bless

Israel! (Ps. 128:5, 6)

PRAYER – O God, have pity, for I am trusting you!I will hide beneath the shadow of
your wings until this storm is past.(Ps. 57:1)
PROMISE – Jehovah himself is caring for you!He is your defender.(Ps. 121:5)

Praying is bringing to the Lord everything that troubles and distresses us.It means
leaving our burden of cares with Him and going on without it.That day I had been
very stupid: I had gathered up all my cares, and after prayer the burden had seemed
twice as heavy as it had before.And so I prayed, “Lord teach me to cast all my
burdens upon Thee and go on without them.Only Thy Spirit can teach me that
lesson.Give me Thy Spirit, O Lord, and I shall have faith, such faith that I shall no
longer carry a load of care.”(A Prisoner And Yet.)

PRAYER – Keep me far from every wrong; help me, undeserving as I am, to obey your
laws. (Ps. 119:29)

PROMISE – I will write my laws in their minds so that they will know what I want
them to do without my even telling them, and these laws will be in their hearts so that
they will want to obey them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people.
(Heb. 8:10)


PRAYER – End all wickedness, O Lord, and bless all who truly worship God.
(Ps. 7:9)
PROMISE – All nations will come and worship before you. (Rev. 15:4)


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  • “There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

[Fruitful Growth in the Faith] But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. — 2 Peter 1:5-8 (NKJV)

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