• “I have learned that in every circumstance that comes my way, I can choose to respond in one of two ways: I can whine or I can worship” – Nancy DeMoss

Joy and Strength 10/31

Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee.
Deut. viii. 2.

Not mindless of the growing years
Of care and loss and pain,
My eyes are wet with thankful tears
For blessings that remain.
J. G. Whittier.

THE years of available and happy life which have been already enjoyed ought to be the cause of thankfulness, even if “the days of darkness” were many. “The sorrow’s crown of sorrow is remembering happier things,” says Tennyson. Surely, in the sphere of Faith, at least, there is some mistake here. “For what we have received the Lord make us truly thankful.”
James Smetham.

A bright, happy soul, rejoicing in all God’s gifts, seeing cause for thankfulness and gladness in everything, counting up mercies rather than trials, looking at the bright side, even of sickness, bereavement, and death — what a very fountain of goodness and love of Christ such an one is! I remember one who, worn with sickness and sleepless nights, answered to the question if the nights did not seem interminable: “Oh no, I lie still, and count up my blessings!”
H. L. Sidney Lear.

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  • “Heaven is not here, it’s There. If we were given all we wanted here, our hearts would settle for this world rather than the next. God is forever luring us up and away from this one, wooing us to Himself and His still invisible Kingdom, where we will certainly find what we so keenly long for.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

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