Joy and Strength 09/30
Ye shall not fear them; for the Lord your God He shall fight for you.
Deut. iii. 22.
And behold God Himself is with us for our captain.
2 Chron. xiii. 12.
Oh, for trust that brings the triumph
When defeat seems strangely near!
Oh, for faith that changes fighting
Into victory’s ringing cheer —
Faith triumphant, knowing not defeat or fear!
Herbert Booth.
HOPEFULNESS of final victory is ours, if we only remember that we are fighting God’s battles. And can He know defeat? He who is the God of the great world around us is the God of the little world within. It is He who is contending in thee; thou art but His soldier, guided by His wisdom, strengthened by His might, shielded by His love. Keep thy will united to the Will of God, and final defeat is impossible; for He is invincible.
George Body.
Our only victory over temptations is through persisting courage, and an indomitable cheerfulness.
Frederick W. Faber.
Courage, it shall be well: we follow a conquering general; yea, who hath conquered already; and He that hath conquered for us shall ever conquer in us.
Robert Leighton
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