• ”As we grow spiritually, God begins to wean us from things that we think we can’t live without: things, comfort, the longing for life to ‘work.’ That’s a childish instinct, to say, ‘Life has to work the way I want it to work, and now’.” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Joy and Strength 07/11

Do all things without murmurings and disputings.
Phil. ii. 14.

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
Prov. XXV. 28.

Behold, the paths of life are ours, — we sec
Our blest inheritance where’er we tread;
Sorrow and danger our security,
And disappointment lifting up our head.
Anna L. Waring.

ONE valuable way of practising self-control is in checking grumbling, and an unnecessary display of vexation at petty inconveniences. A workman has fulfilled his task imperfectly, some order is wrongly executed, some one keeps you waiting unreasonably; people are careless or forgetful, or do what they have in hand badly. Try not to be disturbed; be just, and show the persons to blame where they are wrong, even (if it be needful) make them do the thing over again properly; but refrain from diffuse or vehement expressions of displeasure. A naturally quick, impetuous person will find that to cultivate a calm external habit is a great help towards gaining the inward even spirit he needs.
H. L. Sidney Lear.

A repining life is a lingering death.
Benjamin Whichcote

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  • “Lead me, Lord, to the Rock that is higher than I. Let me hear your word, give me grace to obey, to build steadily, stone upon stone, day by day, to do what You say. Establish my heart where floods have no power to overwhelm, for Christ’s sake. Amen.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

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