Joy and Strength 03/27
Not as I will, but as Thou wilt.
Matt. xxvi. 39.
Thy will, not mine, O Lord,
However dark it be!
Lead me by Thine own hand.
Choose out the path for me.
I dare not choose my lot;
I would not, if I might,
Choose Thou for me, my God;
So shall I walk aright.
CHOOSE but the will of God, and thou wiliest with His wisdom, thou choosest with His all-perfect choice; thou enterest into His counsels; thou lovest with His love. Be this our watch-word, brethren, for the Church, for those we love, for our own souls. Be this our rule in action, “n©t what I will, but what Thou’; this, in sufFering; “not what I, but what Thou.” This shall hallow our hopes; this shall hush our fears; this shall ward off disquiet; this shall preserve our peace; this shall calm anxieties; this (if so it must be) shall soothe our heart-aches; this shall give repose to our weariness; this, the deeper our trouble, shall be the deeper foretaste of everlasting peace and rest. “Lord, not what I will, but what Thou “; not what I, in my misery, and ignorance, and blindness, and sin, but what Thou, in Thy mercy, and holiness, and wisdom, and love.
E. B. Pusey.
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