Joy and Strength 03/14
Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee.
Ps. Ixx. 4.
Lord! along this earthly way
Thou Thy pilgrim greetest;
To Thy thankful child each day
Thou Thy love repeatest;
Thou dost bid me weep no more,
Thou dost teach this song to soar,
Thou dost all the sweetness pour
When my life is sweetest.
Thomas H. Gill
I AM thankful that I have learned, not only to see that I ought to say, but to feel what it is truly to say, “good is the will of the Lord” in little things as well as in great things. Many who seek to be enabled, and are in measure enabled, to say this in great things, have yet to learn what it is to say it in little things; and, in consequence, they are often heard complaining of what in little matters God appoints for them, in a way that contradicts the faith that “all things work together for good to them that love God,” and that, therefore, there is a good in all things, to be extracted from each thing as it comes, by receiving it in the light of love. Love to God, that love which receives God Himself as the portion of the soul in every cup, its sweetest ingredient, whatever other sweet ingredients may be in it, is as essential to the right understanding of what God does in providence as the faith that He is love in what He does.
John McLeod Campbell.
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