Joy and Strength 02/10
It is good that a man quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.
Lam. iii. 26.
In to Thy silent place of prayer
The anxious, wandering mind recall—
Dwell ‘mid Thy own creation there.
Restoring, claiming, hallowing all.
Then the calm spirit, won from sin.
Thy perfect sacrifice shall be.
And all the ransomed powers therein
Shall go forth, glorifying Thee.
Anna L. Waring
TAKE time to be separate from all friends and all duties, all cares and all joys; time to be still and quiet before God. Take time not only to secure stillness from man and the world, but from self and its energy. Let the Word and prayer be very precious; but remember, even these may hinder the quiet waiting. The activity of the mind in studying the Word, or giving expression to its thoughts in prayer, the activities of the heart, with its desires and hopes and fears, may so engage us that we do not come to the still waiting on the All-Glorious One. Though at first it may appear difficult to know how thus quietly to wait, with the activities of mind and heart for a time subdued, every effort after it will be rewarded; we shall find that it grows upon us, and the little season of silent worship will bring a peace and a rest that give a blessing not only in prayer, but all the day.
Andrew Murray
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