• “I live, therefore, as well as I can express it, out of myself and all other creatures, in union with God. It is thus that God, by His sanctifying grace, has become to me All in all.” – Madame Guyon

Influence – God Calling 01/10

When you come to Me, and I give you that Eternal Life I give it to all who believe in Me, it alters your whole existence, the words you speak, the influences you have.

These are all eternal. They must be. They spring from the life within you, My Life, Eternal Life, so that they too live forever. Now you see how vast, how stupendous, is the work of any soul that has Eternal Life. The words, the influence, go on down the ages forever.

You must ponder on these truths I give you. They are not surface facts, but the secrets of My Kingdom, the hidden pearls of rare price.

Meditate upon them. Work at them in your minds and hearts.

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

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  • “What is the secret to great living? Entire separation to Christ and devotion to Him. Thus speaks every man and woman whose life has made more than a passing flicker in the spiritual realm. It is the life that has no time for trifling that counts.” – Amy Carmichael

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Verse of the Day

For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. — Psalm 33:4-5 (NKJV)

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