• “I think of the love of God as a great river, pouring through us even as the waters pour through our ravine at floodtime. Nothing can keep this love from pouring through us, except of course our own blocking of the river. Do you sometimes feel that you have got to the end of your love for someone who refuses and repulses you? Such a thought is folly, for one cannot come to the end of what one has not got. We have no store of love at all. We are not jugs, we are riverbeds.” – Amy Carmichael


Hans Langmantel, a wealthy citizen and of noble descent, during the re-establishment of the churches in Germany, received with his manservant and maidservant the truth of the Gospel, and, kindled with zeal, they believed the truth, forsook their
*After many disputations three of the nine apostatized; the rest remaining steadfast, were banished.

sinful life, and were baptized upon their faith in Christ Jesus, for the remission and forgiveness of their sins; on which account all three were imprisoned, and, after .enduring many assaults and torments, they were finally put to death for their faith, which they constantly confessed. Hans Langmantel and his manservant were. beheaded with the sword, while the maidservant was drowned in the water. When they were still in severe confinement they sent the following; as a thank offering and prayer to God, which they made use of in prison, to their brethren, for consolation, admonition, and as a memorial, about A. D. 1529., “O God, our heavenly Father, come with the power of Thy Holy Spirit, that Thou mayest rejoice our mind, heart and soul; give all three of us a manful heart, that in this anguish we fight and overcome. Rev. 2:7. Hold us with Thy right hand, for Thou art our strength; fight the battle for us (Ex. 14:14), and watch over us in distress, that we may stand in the conflict, and not go back when it is at its height. Therefore, O Lord, keep watch over us, and take care of us in this extremity, now that the wicked rise up against Thy Word, and would drive us from it. O God, preserve us in Thy keeping, that we may not faint and abandon Thy Word. Let us enjoy the faithfulness which Thou hast shown us through Thy Son Jesus Christ; and in order that we may always earnestly contemplate this, send us Thy Holy Spirit, and kindle in us the fire of Thy divine love; lead us, Thou who didst teach it in deed, that we may also exercise ourselves therein, and observe and practice it as Thy dear children, that this gift may come upon us, and that, even as we are called, we may by it order our lives in this Thy truth; maintain peace and unity, and love one another in truth with a pure heart. To this end, O God, let the light of Thy divine glory illuminate its, that we may walk in it. O Lord, keep us in it as Thy dear children, and let us never become obscured by the abominable darkness of this world, which has gained the upper hand with all unfaithfulness, and which will be followed by death. But Thou, our Father, dost love equity. In Thee there is no darkness (I John 1:5); but the world is hardened with it. But Thou art the eternal light, which penetrates the darkness; that we may no longer be children of the night, but children of the day. Watch over us with Thy Holy Spirit, and teach us thus to go in this light with de light and joy according to Thy divine nature., “O’ God, we beseech Thee for one thing more: Send us, to this end Thy Holy Spirit, endue us with His power, renew our hearts, and make us strong in Thee, that we may obediently hear Thee in Thy obedience, and praise Thy name. When this world rises, and opposes Thy words, so that our soul sighs to Thee in all severe distresses by which they seek to tear us away, then, O Lord, grant us to look to Thee for aid, and help us to overcome: Grant, Lord, that we may not stain ourselves byany sin or guilt, and take from our flesh the fear by which they would draw us away, and stop us in this work; that, when they shall lead us to death, we may not waver in the conflict, but may go to meet Thee with all the pious in the true, adorned wedding garment, at the marriage feast, prepared for Thy Son, when He shall receive His bride with everlasting joy and delight. Lord, assist us in every anguish and distress, and in the pain of death; give us the heavenly bread; send us Thy Comforter, for God is the Comforter of the miserable. He.makes the poor rich, and strengthens the feeble; He can, refresh .the weary and give strength to the faint, that they may come to Thee. Through Thee they overcome, who have now entered the conflict, to fight for the truth. In Christ, Thy, Son, help us to win the field on this earth, yea in Him alone. Be Thou alone our Helper, protect us with Thy sword, that we may together, as Thy heroes, obtain the crown, and be forever with Thee. Amen.”-

(Martyrs Mirror)

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  • “Whenever there are two alternatives, true love always chooses Jesus.” – Basilea Schlink

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Verse of the Day

In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. — 1 John 4:9 (NKJV)

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