Go Kiss Him by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 02/14/12
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Ernie Cassutto received a surprising invitation from a man who had run a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.
Ernie was a Dutch Jew who had suffered in that very camp. While Ernie was still in prison, he was struck by the forgiveness that Jesus showed, and he asked God to help him learn to forgive.
Now, years later, he got that opportunity as he visited the man who had persecuted him. His former jailer was now very sick and struggling to breathe. Ernie writes, “A voice from inside me urged, ‘Go kiss him.’”
When Ernie kissed his oppressor’s forehead, the elderly man started to weep and apologize. Right there, Ernie led his former jailer to Jesus. This amazing display of God’s redeeming grace would never have taken place if Ernie hadn’t taken seriously Jesus’ words, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
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