• “Faith’s most severe tests come not when we see nothing, but when we see a stunning array of evidence that seems to prove our faith vain.” – Elisabeth Elliot

Friends Unseen – God Calling 01/13

Never despair, never despond. Be just a channel of helpfulness for others.

Have more sympathy. Feel more tenderness towards others. Your lives shall not be all care. Gold does not stay in the crucible – only until it is refined. Already I hear the music and the marching of the unseen host, rejoicing at your victory.

No follower of Mine would ever err or fall, if once the veil were withdrawn which prevents him seeing how these slips delight the evil spirits, and the pain and the disappointment of those who long for him to conquer in My Strength, and Name, and the ecstasy of rejoicing when victory is won.

My Strength is the same as that in which I conquered Satan in the Wilderness – depression and sorrow in the Garden, and even Death on Calvary.

Think of that.

Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7

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  • “Don’t assume you have to be extraordinary to be used by God. You don’t have to have exceptional gifts, talents, abilities, or connections. God specializes in using ordinary people whose limitations and weaknesses make them ideal showcases for His greatness and glory” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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Verse of the Day

For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. — Psalm 33:4-5 (NKJV)

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