• “Keep on running even when you have had a fall. The victory wreath is won by him who does not stay down, but always gets up again, grasps the banner of faith and keeps on running in the assurance that Jesus is Victor.” – Basilea Schlink

Fourteenth Day – Royal Bounty – by Francis R. Havergal


‘I am Thine.’—Ps. cxix. 94.
THIS is a wonderful stone for the sling of faith. It will slay any Goliath of temptation, if we only sling it out boldly and determinately at him.
When self tempts us (and we know how often that is), let it be met with ‘not your own,’1 and then look straight away to Jesus with ‘ I am Thine.’
If the world tries some lure, old or new, remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said :2 ‘ If ye were of the world, the world would love his own ;3 . . . but I have chosen you out of the world ; ‘* and lest the world should claim us as ‘ his own,’ look away to Jesus, and say, ‘I am Thine.’1 Is it sin, subtle and strong and secret, that claims our obedience? Acknowledge that ‘ye were the servants of sin ;’ but now, ‘being made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness,’5 and conquer with the faith-shout, ‘ I am Thine/’
Is it a terrible hand-to-hand fight with Satan himself, making a desperate effort to reassert his old power? Tell the prince of this world that he hath nothing in Jesus,6 and that you are ‘in Him that is

11 Cor. vi. 19. 2Acts xx. 35. 3John xv. 19.

*Johnxvii. 16. 5Rom. vi. 17, 18. ^Johnxiv. 30.

true,’1 a member of His body, His very own; and see if he is not forced to flee at the sound of your confident ‘I am Thine!’
But after all, ‘I am Thine’ is only an echo, varying in clearness according to faith’s atmosphere and our nearness to the original voice. Yes, it is only the echo of ‘Thou art Mine,” falling in its mighty music on the responsive, because Spirit-prepared, heart. This note of heavenly music never originated with any earthly rock. It is only when God sends forth the Spirit of His Son in our hearts that we cry, ‘Abba, Father.” It was when the anointed but not yet openly crowned king had gone out to meet Amasai, and the Spirit came upon him, that he said, ‘Thine are we, David.’ Therefore do not overlook the Voice, in the gladness of the echo. Listen, and you will hear it falling from the mysterious heights of high-priestly intercession: ‘They are Thine. And all Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine.’4
This is no vague and general belonging to Christ, but full of specific realities of relationship. ‘I am Thine’ means, ‘Truly I am Thy servant.’5 Iam one of Thy ‘dear children.” I am Thy chosen soldier.7 I am Thy ransomed one.8 I am Thy ‘own sheep.’ I am Thy witness. I am Thy friend.9 And all these are but amens to His own condescending declarations. He says we are all these, and we have only to say, ‘Yes, Lord, so I am.’ Why should we ever contradict Him?

1 1 John V. 20. 2 Isa. xliii. i. 3 Rom. viii. 15.

4 John xvii. 9, 10. &Ps. cxvi. 16. ^Eph. v. 1.

7 2 Tim. ii. 4. 8 Isa. xxxv. jo. * John x. 4.

In deeper humility and stronger faith let us listen further to the voice of our Beloved, as He breathes names of incomprehensible condescension and love. Shall we contradict Him here, in the tenderest outflow of His divine affection, and say, * Not so, Lord’? Shall we not rather adoringly listen, and let Him say even to us in our depths of utter unworthiness, ‘My sister, My spouse,’ ‘My love, My dove, My undefiled,’ answering only with a wondering, yet unquestioning, ‘I am Thine,’ ‘I am all that Thou choosest to say that I am’?
The echo may vary and falter (though it is nothing short of atrocious ingratitude and unbelief when it does), but the Voice never varies or falters. He does not say, ‘Thou art Mine’ to-day, and reverse or weaken it to-morrow. We are ‘a people unto Thee for ever,’1 and why grieve His love by doubting His word, and giving way to a very fidget of faithlessness? Love that is everlasting cannot be ephemeral; it is everlasting, and what can we say more?
The more we by faith and experience realize that we are His own in life and death, the more willing we shall be that He should do what He will with His own, and the more sure we shall be that He will do the very best with it, and make the very most of it. May we increasingly find the strength and rest of this our God-given claim upon God. ‘I am Thine, save me!” And ‘He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love.”

1 Ps. cxix. 94. 2 Zeph, iii. 17.

‘Not your own!’ but His ye are,

Who hath paid a price untold
For your life, exceeding far

All earth’s store of gems and gold.
With the precious blood of Christ,
Ransom-treasure all unpriced,
Full redemption is procured,
Full salvation is assured.

‘Not your own I’ but His by right,

His peculiar treasure now,
Fair and precious in His sight,

Purchased jewels for His brow.
He will keep what thus He sought,
Safely guard the dearly bought,
Cherish that which He did choose,
Always love and never lose.

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  • “When we forget and seek for stars, show us Thy wounds, Thy scars.” – Amy Carmichael

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Verse of the Day

“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments; — Deuteronomy 7:9 (NKJV)

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