Forgiveness is Possible by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 05/20/11
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: No matter how estranged a relationship may be, forgiveness is always possible. I’ve seen it firsthand.
I remember the end of a Revive Our Hearts Conference when a woman came up to me with her daughter-in-law. For four years these two women hadn’t gotten along. There were huge walls and barriers between them.
Neither of them knew that the other would be at that conference, but God ended up dealing with each of their hearts. After I spoke on forgiveness, those two women ended up in the prayer room, crying and hugging each other. They each asked forgiveness for the hurts, the wounds, and the wrongs. And in the name of Jesus, they were extending forgiveness to each other.
Is there anyone that you’re estranged from? A family member? Friend? You can be reconciled through God’s power. Just do what those women did: Humble yourself, ask for forgiveness, and then choose to forgive.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
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