• “Jesus died as He had lived: praying, forgiving, loving, sacrificing, trusting, quoting Scripture. If I die as I have lived, how will I die?” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Fight the Good Fight – Streams in the Desert 12/12

“The last drops of my sacrifice are falling; my time to go has come. I have fought in the good fight; I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:6, 7).
As soldiers show their scars and talk of battles when they come at last to spend their old age in the country at home, so shall we in the dear land to which we are hastening, speak of the goodness and faithfulness of God who brought us through all the trials of the way. I would not like to stand in the white-robed host and hear it said, “These are they that came out of great tribulation, all except one.”
Would you like to be there and see yourself pointed at as the one saint who never knew a sorrow? Oh, no! for you would be an alien in the midst of the sacred brotherhood. We will be content to share the battle, for we shall soon wear the crown and wave the palm. –C. H. Spurgeon
“Where were you wounded?” asked the surgeon of a soldier at Lookout Mountain.
“Almost at the top,” he answered. He forgot even his gaping wound–he only remembered that he had won the heights. So let us go forth to higher endeavours for Christ and never rest till we can shout from the very top, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”

“Finish thy work, then rest,
Till then rest never;
The rest for thee by God
Is rest forever.”
“God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.”
Of an old hero the minstrel sang–
“With his Yemen sword for aid;
Ornament it carried none,
But the notches on the blade.”

What nobler decoration of honour can any godly man seek after than his scars of service, his losses for the crown, his reproaches for Christ’s sake, his being worn out in his Master’s service!

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  • “I henceforth take Jesus Christ to be mine. I promise to receive Him as a husband to me. And I give myself to Him, unworthy though I am, to be His spouse. I ask of Him, in this marriage of spirit with spirit, that I may be of the same mind with Him — meek, pure, nothing in myself, and united in God’s will. And, pledged as I am to be His, I accept as part of my marriage portion, the temptations and sorrows, the crosses and the contempt which fell to Him. — Jeanne M.B. de la Mothe Guyon, Sealed with her ring.”

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Verse of the Day

Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NKJV)

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