• “If we do not want those veils, He will clear them away. He has given us power of our wills. If the will be set towards beholding, looking, reflecting, then our Lord will see to the veils.” – Amy Carmichael

Fifth Day – Royal Commandments – by Francis R. Havergal

Mental Food

‘Eat ye that which is good.’—IsA. lv. 2.
‘QO foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before Thee,’3 or this commandment would not have been needed. Good, wholesome, delicious food set plentifully before us, and yet we have to be told to eat that which is good, and to let rubbish and poison alone 1 Is it not humiliating?

1 John V. 39. 2 isa, xxxiv. 16. 8 Ps. Ixiii. 33.

We know too much about feeding on that which is not good, and what profit had we in those things whereof we are now ashamed?1 The Lord has had to testify of us, ‘He feedeth on ashes,’2 ‘ feedeth on wind,’3 ‘feedeth on foolishness.’* Most gracious was His decree, ‘They shall eat, and not have enough;’5 ‘Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied.’6 He would not let us be satisfied. And now, if we have tasted that the Lord is gracious,7 we cannot be satisfied with the old ashes and wind.
But what about our daily practical obedience to this command? How much are we going to eat today of that which is good, in proportion to that which satisfieth not? Will it be a question of minutes for the word by which we live,’ and hours for books which are at best negative as to spiritual nutriment? What is our present obedience to the parallel command, ‘Desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby’ ?9 What about our appetite for the ‘strong meat,’10 ‘the deep things of God ‘?” If other books contain ‘necessary food ‘” mentally, and we are called to use them, so that by study of His works, His providences natural, mental, moral, we may be more meet for the Master’s use,18 do we practically and consciously esteem the words of His mouth more? Can we say, they are ‘in my mouth as honey for sweetness’?”

1 Rom. vi. 21, 2 Isa. xliv. .20. 3 pjos. xii. i.
* Prov, XV. 14. 6 Hos. iv. 10. ‘ Mic. vi. 14.
7 I Pet. ii. 3. 8 Matt. iv. 4. 9 1 Pet. ii. 2.
10 Heb. V. 12, 14. 11 I Cor. ii. 10. 12 Job xxiii. is
*• 2 Tim. ii. 21. l^ Ezek. iii. 3.

But perhaps we are even purposing to eat that which is not good. We may argue that there is no harm in certain readings, and that if we don’t read what others do we shall get narrow and lose conversational influence, and that people will think nothing of our opinion if we can’t say we have read such and such books, and so forth. But all the time, do we not know, down in our heart of hearts, that this is all sophistry ? 1 We know, though we do not like to acknowledge, that the books in question do blunt our spiritual appetite and hinder our close communion with Jesus; that the influence we profess to want is not purely desired ‘for Jesus’ sake only,’2 and to be used ‘all for Jesus,’—in short, we like the reading, and we do not want to resist pleasing ourselves.3 And so we deliberately disobey the command to eat that which is good, excusing ourselves by pretending that we ‘saw that the tree was good for food,’* when the truth was that we simply saw that it was ‘pleasant.’
We are solemnly responsible for the mental influences under which we place ourselves. ‘Take heed what ye hear ‘5 must include ‘ take heed what ye read.’ ‘Lead us not into temptation ‘ is ‘vain repetition” when we walk straight away into it, hoodwinking our own eyes because we are drawn away and enticed by our own desires.7
Do we feel that we are not strong enough to resist? ‘The way of the Lord is strength to the upright;’8 and His ‘way to escape’ is, ‘Eat ye that which is good.” Perhaps if Eve had fully availed herself of God’s permission, ‘Thou mayst

1 Job xiii. 7 2 John xii. 9. 3 Rom. xv. 1-3.
* ^ea, iji. 6. 5 Mark iv, 24. « Matt. vi. 7, 13.
‘ Jasr i^. 8 Prov. X. 29. * i Cor. x. 13.

freely eat,’1 she would not have been so ready to disregard His prohibition. If we ‘eat in plenty’* of ‘ angels’ food,” of course we shall not care about the ‘onions and the garlick.’* Just fancy wanting them / When we are ‘satisfied,’ of course, there is no craving.5
The devil is very fond of persuading us that we have ‘ no leisure so much as to eat ‘6 when it is a question of Bible study. He never says that if we have a novel ‘ of the earth, earthy, ‘7 or a clever magazine of ‘modern thought’ on hand! He knows better. He wants us not to ‘ let’ our souls delight themselves in fatness.
Jesus, our Wisdom, says, ‘Come, eat of My bread;’8 ‘Eat, O friends.” One is utterly ashamed that it should ever be an effort to obey this loving invitation. How weak we are 1 But His hand touches us, and He says, ‘Arise, and eat.’10 May He open our eyes to see and rejoice in the provision so close beside us, the feast that He has made for us.
Not only His word, but the happy doing of His will11 shall be our meat, and we shall ‘afterward eat of the holy things, because it is His food.'” He will give us to eat of the tree of life and of the hidden manna.13 And He will give us Himself, the living Bread which came down from heaven, saying, ‘He that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me.’14 Is not this enough?

1 Gen. ii. i6. 2 Joel ii. 26. 3 Ps. Ixxviii. 25.
<Num. xi. 5. 5 Jer. xxxi. 14. 6 Mark vi. 31.
^ I Cor. XV. 47. 8 Prov. ix. 5. 9 Cant. v. i.
10 I Kings xix. 5. ” |ohn iv.34. 12 Lev. xxii. 7.
i3 Rev. ii. 7, 17. 14 John vi. 51, 57.

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  • “Really, then, our problem is not weakness, but independence! And in covenant, you die to independent living.” – Kay Arthur

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Verse of the Day

In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. — 1 John 4:9 (NKJV)

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