• “Jesus, who so often says “Whoever loves Me…” “Do you love Me?” is concerned about our LOVE! He is concerned about a special kind of love…He who has loved us so much wants to possess us completely, with everything we are and have. Jesus gave Himself wholly and completely for us. Now His love is yearning for us to surrender ourselves and everything that we are to Him, so that He can really be our “first love” – Basilea Schlink

Don’t Look at the Waves – Streams in the Desert 06/23

“When Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me” (Matt. 14:29-30).

Peter had a little faith in the midst of his doubts, says Bunyan; and so with crying and coming he was brought to Christ.But here you see that sight was a hindrance; the waves were none of his business when once he had set out; all Peter had any concern with, was the pathway of light that came gleaming across the darkness from where Christ stood. If it was tenfold Egypt beyond that, Peter had no call to look and see.

When the Lord shall call to you over the waters, “Come,” step gladly forth. Look not for a moment away from Him.Not by measuring the waves can you prevail; not by gauging the wind will you grow strong; to scan the danger may be to fall before it; to pause at the difficulties, is to have them break above your head. Lift up your eyes unto the hills, and go forward-there is no other way.

“Dost thou fear to launch away?

Faith lets go to swim!Never will He let thee go;

‘Tis by trusting thou shalt knowFellowship with Him.”

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1 Responses to Don't Look at the Waves - Streams in the Desert 06/23

  • caradeo says:

    Check out http://www.cara-deo.com for more Streams in the Desert goodness. I've been working through this book, posting a visual each day related to the days reading. Love this book.

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  • “How sweet is close, confidential communion with Jesus! How fully we can then unveil all our hearts to Him; disclosing every secret; making known every need; and bringing our hidden enemies, our corruptions, to Him, that He might slay them before our eyes!” – Mary Winslow

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Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NKJV)

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