• “A woman can become a blessing to many (even to the one who harms her) through what she has learnt of God in her sorrows! To become a woman of God, one must be prepared to face many trials. Like the sandalwood tree that imparts its fragrance to the axe that cuts it.” – Dr. Annie poonen

Come Away by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 08/30/11

“All my life I dreamed that a handsome king would come serenade me at my window and whisk me away! (Sigh) Enough daydreaming. I guess I’d better read my Bible and pray.”

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Do you realize that our time in the Word and in prayer doesn’t have to be a dull routine? There’s an incredible King who loves you. He’s pursuing you. He wants to spend time with you and reveal Himself to you. He does that through prayer and through His Word.

In Song of Solomon 2, the king asks his bride to leave what she’s doing so they can spend time together. He calls from outside her window and says, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.”

Your King is at the window. God wants to spend time with you. How will you respond today?

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

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  • “Peace does not dwell in outward things, but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully and quietly on Him who has all things safely in His hands.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. — Isaiah 53:3-4 (NKJV)

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