• “How sweet is close, confidential communion with Jesus! How fully we can then unveil all our hearts to Him; disclosing every secret; making known every need; and bringing our hidden enemies, our corruptions, to Him, that He might slay them before our eyes!” – Mary Winslow

NLD Devotional

Tune My Heart by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/15/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: When I was a teenager, I took some cello lessons. It didn’t take me long to… Continue reading

Admission of Weakness by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/14/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: I once talked with a group of full-time Christian workers on the topic, “Potential Pitfalls of… Continue reading

A Grain of Wheat by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/13/11

“I felt like giving everything to God would mean I couldn’t enjoy anything again.”

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: When we… Continue reading

Be Morally Pure by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/12/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: The apostle Paul told the Ephesians, “Among you there must not be even a hint… Continue reading

Something Deadly by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/09/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: In October of 2003, a raging fire devastated massive portions of southern California destroying more than… Continue reading

Letting God Rebuild by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/08/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: A family in my community was having severe respiratory problems. The cause turned out to be… Continue reading

Proud vs. Humble – Recognition by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/07/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Proud people crave self-advancement.

“I’ve got to word this report in a way that sets me… Continue reading

Away From Home by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/06/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Many women have husbands who are away from home.

“My husband leaves for work when it’s… Continue reading

El Shaddai by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/05/11

(baby crying)

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: A newborn baby can be so fretful and disturbed. It seems like you can’t… Continue reading

Keep the Commitment by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12/02/11

“Please leave your question at the tone.” (beep)

“My quiet time seems like something to check off my to-do list… Continue reading

  • “When human reason has exhausted every possibility, the children can go to their Father and receive all they need.…For only when you have become utterly dependent upon prayer and faith, only when all human possibilities have been exhausted, can you begin to reckon that God will intervene and work His miracles.” – Basilea Schlink

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Verse of the Day

“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways, To give knowledge of salvation to His people By the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God, With which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; — Luke 1:76-78 (NKJV)

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