Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/26
Lord, do Thou turn me all into love, and all my love into obedience, and let my obedience be without… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/25
O Lord, our Guide even unto death, grant us, I pray Thee, grace to follow Thee whithersoever Thou goest. In… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/24
Set my heart on fire with the love of Thee, most loving Father, and then to do Thy will, and… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/23
I Ask, dear Lord, that Thou wouldest make me wholly Thine. Penetrate me wholly with Thyself, that Thou mayest be… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/22
Father, with thankful and humble hearts we appear before Thee. We would thank Thee for all the benefits that we… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/21
O Lord God Almighty, redeem my soul from its bondage, that I may be free to live henceforth, not for… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/20
My Refuge and my Lord, I believe and hope in Thee, and with my whole heart I love Thee. Behold… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/19
O Lord, long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth, fill us, I beseech Thee, with graces. Make us long-suffering and… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/18
Lord, do not permit my trials to be above my strength; and do Thou vouchsafe to be my strength and… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/17
Give, I pray Thee, to all children grace reverently to love their parents, and lovingly to obey them. Teach us… Continue reading