Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/06
O Merciful, Lord, enlighten Thou me with a clear shining inward light, and remove away all darkness from the habitation… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/05
O God our Father, help us to a deeper trust in the life everlasting. May we feel that this love… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/04
O God, who art, and wast, and art to come, before whose face the generations rise and pass away; age… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/03
O God, who hast given unto us Thy Son to be an example and a help to our weakness in… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/02
O Heavenly Father, subdue in me whatever is contrary to Thy holy will. Grant that I may ever study to… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/01
O Lord, who hast brought us through the darkness of night to the light of the morning, and who by… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/30
Grant me, even me, my dearest Lord, to know Thee, and love Thee, and rejoice in Thee. And, if I… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/29
O God, Thou only Refuge of Thy children! who remainest true though all else should fail, and livest though all… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/28
O Thou, who art the true Sun of the world, evermore rising, and never going down; who, by Thy… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/27
O God, the Redeemer of our souls, and the Comforter of them that mourn, whose will is our peace, and… Continue reading