Biography of PHOEBE PALMER.
Inseparably connected with the doctrine of entire con- secration and sanctification are the names of Dr. and Mrs. Phoebe Pahner. After obtaining a deeper Christian expe- rience themselves^ the lives of these two consecratd evan- gdists were devoted to leading others into the same expe- rience. The influence of their teachings can be traced in the lives of many noted Christians of both America and Britain. Mrs. Palmer is well known for her teaching of '' Put all upon the altar, and the altar sanctifies the gift/' This figure was drawn from the fact that in Old Testa- ment times the fire was always bummg on the altar, and the sacrifice was consumed as soon as placed on the altar. So, Mrs. Palmer taught, the fire of the Holy Spirit is al- ways burning on the altar of true consecration, ready to consume every one who truly offers himself a living sac- rifice to God. For a long time after her conversion, Mrs. Palmer had a great desire to be sanctified, but she felt as though the blessing was too great for her to ever think of attaining to it. A close study of God's Word convinced her that He had commanded and expected all Christians to be holy, sanctified, *' vessels unto honor, sanctified and meet for the Master's use." " This is the will of God, even your sanc- tification," "For God hath not called you unto unclean-^ ness, but unto holiness," "Be ye holy, for I am holy," "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord," and many similar passages of Scripture convinced her of her need of holiness. Then she began to expect God to convict her deeply for the experi- ence. At last her eyes were opened to see that " knowl- edge is conviction/' and that the only conviction necessary was to be convinced of her need. She then began to seek (earnestly for the experience. At first she felt that great agony and struggle of soul must be necessary to obtain the experience. But finally she was convinced that it was to be obtained by faith, as it was not necessary to struggle and agonize to obtain an experience which God commands and expects all Christians to have. She then trusted God for the experience, and could say with the writer of the hymn, "When I gave all trying over. Simply trusting, I was blessed." In her widely circulated book, "The Way of Holiness," she relates her own experience, speaking in the third per- son, as follows: " Over and over again, previous to the time mentioned, had she endeavored to give herself away in covenant to God. But she had never, till this hour, deliberately re- solved on counting the cost, with the solemn intention to * reckon herself dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord " (Rom. 6: ii) ; to account herself permanently the Lord's, and in truth no more at her own disposal ; but irrevocably the Lord's property, for time and eternity. Now, in the name of the Lord Jehovah, after having deliberately 'counted the cost,' she resolved to enter into the bonds of an everlasting covenant, with the fixed pui*pose to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus, that she might know Him and the power of His resurrection, by being made conformable to His death, and raised to an entire newness of life. . • • On doing this, a hallowed sense of consecration took pos- session of her soul/' etc.
From the book ‘Deep Experiences of Famous Christians’ pp. 378,379
ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION 1) mandated from heaven. 2) a biblical fact. 3) exclusively for believers. 4) aucustrated in the heart of the believer by the God Head (Devine Trinity). 5) subsequent to regeneration and justification. 6) a prerequisite for a steady life in holiness and glorification. (Heb.12:14)
Hi Cliff, Sanctification is something that is attained by dying to self daily. No one person is "entirely" sanctified wholly at one time. It is a process that we live out while here on earth. I hope this is what you mean? Thanks for the comment, Michelle