• “I wish Thy way. But when in me my self would rise, and long for something otherwise, then, Holy One, take sword and spear, and slay.” – Amy Carmichael


Marvelous arci the answers to prayer recorded in the 
book entitled, " Dorothea Trudd, or The Prayer of Faith." 
Dorothea's mother was a woman of great faith, and be- 
lieved that God provided for her large family and kept 
them in good health in answer to the prayer of faith. Dor- 
othea had such faith that hundreds were healed in answer 
to her prayers, and her name became known all over the 
world. Travelers in Switzerland often heard about tiie 
marvelous cures wrought in the remote village of Mamien- 
dorf in answer to Dorothea Trudd's prayers. 

Dorothea Trudd was bom in 1813 and died in 1862. 
She was converted to Christ at twenty-two years of age, 
after being so deeply convicted of sin that many thought 
she was dying. Some years after this she was led into a 
still deeper Christian experience, which she describes as 
follows : 

" I persevered in working at my trade for a year, dur- 
which time the Lord continued to show me much that 
tended to my self-abasement. I learned that bodily suffer- 
ing cannot produce conformity to God, even when it is 
borne with patience ; that the only way in which that grace 
can be attained is by the outpouring of the love of God in 
the heart. I did not know before what was meant by be- 
ing 'nothing,' and yet I had considered myself converted. 
But now the Lord opened my eyes, and showed me that 
the annoyance I felt to this hour, when tried by any diffi- 
culty, arose from the presence of * the old man/ and that 
if I possessed the love described in i Cor. 13, which *is 
not easily provoked,' and * seeketh not her own,' I should 
no longer be provoked to such irritation: from that time 
the Lord has so strengthened me night and day that the 
wonders which have taken place in accordance with God's 
Word will be less marveled at than that I am still spared 
and strengthened to labor."

From the book Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians pp. 375-376

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  • “Instead of fixing all your problems, God may be wanting to use your problems to teach you to trust and obey Him.” – Nancy DeMoss

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Verse of the Day

And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them. — Luke 2:16-20 (NKJV)

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