• “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends with ‘ashes.” – Elisabeth Elliot

Biography of Charles Spurgeon

So many people came to hear him preach, he is still a legend. One story, undoubtably true, is that one Sunday morning before a worship service, he came out and ask all the members to leave and come back later as the crowd on the street wanting to come in was huge and many were new to the church and perhaps unsaved. The members left in an orderly fashion and the 6,100 seat church was promptly filled again.

To Whom the credit belonged is made clear in another ancedote. It is said that he had a large group of people, perhaps 200, who prayed while he preached, so that he might be effective in convincing the unrepentant. It is said that when he felt he needed help he would stomp his foot a few times so that they might redouble their efforts!

“Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892),preacher, came of a family of preachers. Spurgeon’s early fame as a preacher was largely due to his extreme youth, to the free play of his humour, and to the fervour of his unconventional appeals to the conscience. But he was by nature endowed with much oratorical power. He managed with the utmost skill a clear and sympathetic voice, while his gesture was easy and natural. Throughout life his matter united shrewd comment upon contemporary life with the expository treatment favoured by the old puritan divines. In later life he spoke in the pulpit with somewhat less oratorical effect, but with an intenser earnestness.

His humour was spontaneous; it marked his private as well as his public utterances (see especially W. Williams, Personal Reminiscences of C. H. Spurgeon).

Spurgeon was a prolific author, writing with the directness and earnestness that distinguished him as a speaker. From 1865 he conducted a monthly magazine, entitled ‘Sword and Trowel.’ From 1855 a sermon by him was published every week. These have been collected in numerous volumes, and many of them have been translated into the chief European languages.

As many as 2,500 sermons are still on sale. Of his other works, nearly all of which ran into many editions, the most important were:
1. ‘The Saint and his Saviour,’ 1857.
2. ‘Morning by Morning,’ 1866.
3. ‘Evening by Evening,’ 1868.
4. ‘John Ploughman’s Talks,’ 1869.
5. ‘The Treasury of David,’ 1870-85.
6. ‘Lectures to my Students,’ 1st. ser. 1875; 2nd ser. 1877.
7. ‘Commenting and Commentaries,’ 1876.
8. ‘John Ploughman’s Pictures,’ 1880.
9. ‘My Sermon Notes,’ 1884-7.
An autobiography compiled by his wife and the Rev. W. J. Harrald, his private secretary, from his dairy, letters, and records, appeared in four volumes in 1897-8.

On the completion in 1879 of the twenty-fifth year of his pastorate at the Tabernacle, Spurgeon was presented with a testimonial of £6,263. During the latter part of his life he lived in some style at Norwood. He never practiced or affected to practice asceticism, but was generous in the use of the ample means with which his congregation supplied him. His opinions on social questions were always remarkable for sanity and common-sense. A liberal in politics, Spurgeon was, after 1886, a prominent supporter of the liberal-unionist party in its opposition to home rule for Ireland.

He died at Mentone on 31 Jan. 1892, and was buried at Norwood cemetery, London.

Spurgeon married, in 1856, Susannah, daughter of Robert Thompson of Falcon Square, London, by whom he had twin sons, Charles and Thomas. His widow and sons survived him.

some of the above material taken from wholesomewords.org

If you want to read Spurgeon, you have only to enter his name into any search engine to be led to several excellent sites devoted to his works. if you have yet to read him, a good beginning might be to go the site below which has his popular devotions. It is free and you can copy any you like.

Meditation for Wednesday, March 05
C. H. Spurgeon
“Let us not sleep, as do others.” –1 Thessalonians 5:6

There are many ways of promoting Christian wakefulness. Among the rest, let me strongly advise Christians to converse together concerning the ways of the Lord. Christian and Hopeful, as they journeyed towards the Celestial City, said to themselves, “To prevent drowsiness in this place, let us fall into good discourse.” Christian enquired, “Brother, where shall we begin?” And Hopeful answered, “Where God began with us.” Then Christian sang this song–

“When saints do sleepy grow, let them come hither,
And hear how these two pilgrims talk together;
Yea, let them learn of them, in any wise,
Thus to keep open their drowsy slumb’ring eyes.
Saints’ fellowship, if it be managed well,
Keeps them awake, and that in spite of hell.”

Christians who isolate themselves and walk alone, are very liable to grow drowsy. Hold Christian company, and you will be kept wakeful by it, and refreshed and encouraged to make quicker progress in the road to heaven. But as you thus take “sweet counsel” with others in the ways of God, take care that the theme of your converse is the Lord Jesus. Let the eye of faith be constantly looking unto Him; let your heart be full of Him; let your lips speak of His worth. Friend, live near to the cross, and thou wilt not sleep. Labour to impress thyself with a deep sense of the value of the place to which thou art going. If thou rememberest that thou art going to heaven, thou wilt not sleep on the road. If thou thinkest that hell is behind thee, and the devil pursuing thee, thou wilt not loiter. Would the manslayer sleep with the avenger of blood behind him, and the city of refuge before him? Christian, wilt thou sleep whilst the pearly gates are open–the songs of angels waiting for thee to join them–a crown of gold ready for thy brow? Ah! no; in holy fellowship continue to watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.

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Verse of the Day

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. — Isaiah 53:5-6 (NKJV)

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