• “We say, then, to anyone who is under trial, give Him time to steep the soul in His eternal truth. Go into the open air, look up into the depths of the sky, or out upon the wideness of the sea, or on the strength of the hills that is His also; or, if bound in the body, go forth in the spirit; spirit is not bound. Give Him time and, as surely as dawn follows night, there will break upon the heart a sense of certainty that cannot be shaken.” – Amy Carmichael

All Is Well – God Calling 03/21

Remember My Words to My disciples, “This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Can you tread the way I trod? Can you drink of My cup? “All is well.” Say always, “All is well.”

Long though the way may seem, there is not one inch too much. I, your Lord, am not only with you on the journey – I planned, and am planning, the journey.

There are Joys unspeakable in the way you go. Courage – courage – courage.

“Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” – 1 Peter 1:8

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  • “God then opened my eyes to the great truths of the New Covenant that He had established in Christ. He showed me that He had given me the power of the Holy Spirit so that I would not live for myself anymore, but only for Him.” – Annie Poonen

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Verse of the Day

For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. — Psalm 33:4-5 (NKJV)

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