Prayers Ancient and Modern 11/22
Grant us peace, and establish Thy truth in us; as Thou fillest all things living with plenteousness. Remember every faithful soul in trial; and comfort, if it be possible, every one in sorrow and distress. O Helper of the helpless, bring the wanderer home, and give health to the sick, and deliverance to the captive. Sustain the aged, comfort the weak-hearted, set free those whose souls are bound in misery and iron; remember all those that are in affliction, necessity, and emergency everywhere. Let us dwell with Thee in peace, as children of light; and in Thy light, Lord, let us see the light. Direct, O Lord, in peace, the close of our life; trustfully, fearlessly, and, if it be Thy will, painlessly. Gather us when Thou wilt, into the abodes of Thy chosen; without shame, or stain, or sin—Amen.
Rowland Williams.
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