Prayers Ancient and Modern 04/12
Lord, mercifully incline Thine ears to hear our prayers, and, of Thy lovingkindness, enlighten the depths of our hearts, that no evil desires may rule them—Amen.
Treasury of Devotion
O God, Who puttest into our hearts such deep desire, that we cannot be at peace until we enjoy the feeling of Thy love; mercifully grant that the unspeakable sighing of our souls’ need may not go unsatisfied because of any unrighteousness of heart, which must divide us from the All-holy One; but strengthen us to do right by whomsoever we have wronged in thought, word, or deed; to renounce all plans of wrong-doing for the future; to purify our thoughts, and govern our appetites, so that we may have no bar between us and Thy glory, but enjoy Thy peace which passeth understanding—Amen.
Rowland Williams
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