Joy and Strength 10/19
O my Father, if this cup may not pens away from me except I drink it, Thy will he done.
Matt. xxvi. 42.
To do or not to do, — to have.
Or not to have I leave to Thee
To be or not to be, I leave, —
Thy only will be done to me:
All my requests are lost in one.
Father, Thy only will be done!
C. Wesley.
Dear Lord, in all our loneliest pains
Thou hast the largest share.
And that which is unbearable,
‘Tis Thine, not ours, to bear.
Frederick W. Faber.
OFFER thyself as a sacrifice to God in peace and quietness of spirit. And the better to proceed in this journey, and support thyself without weariness and disquiet, dispose thy soul at every step, by widening out thy will to meet the Will of God. The more thou dost widen it, the more wilt thou receive. Thy will must be disposed as follows: to will everything and to will nothing, if God wills it or wills it not.
Lorenzo Scupoli.
You must make, at least once every week, a special act of love to God’s will above all else, and that not only in things supportable, but also in things insupportable.
St. Francis de Sales
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