Joy and Strength 01/30
And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.
Ex. iii. 7.
Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow
Of the sad heart that comes to Thee for rest;
Cares of to-day, and burdens for to-morrow,
Blessing^ implored, and sins to be confessed:
I come before Thee at Thy gracious word.
And lay them at Thy feet, — Thou knowest, Lord.
Jane Borthwick.
THAT sorrow which can be seen is the lightest form really, however apparently heavy; then there is that which is not seen, secret sorrows which yet can be put into words, and can be told to near friends as well as be poured out to God; but there are sorrows beyond these, such as are never told, and cannot be put into words, and may only be wordlessly laid before God: these are the deepest. Now comes the supply for each: “I have seen” that which is patent and external; “I have heard their cry,” which is the expression of this, and of as much of the external as is expressible; but this would not go deep enough, so God adds, “I know their sorrows,” down to very depths, of all, those which no eye sees or ear ever heard.
F. R. Havergal.
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